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best selling pet products pet comb stainless steel pet flea lice cleaningot-(101)

Variation Price Stock Quantity
Red-image Red 40 2 - +
Green-image Green 40 0 - +
Yellow-image Yellow 40 1 - +
Pink-image Pink 40 1 - +
Purple-image Purple 40 4 - +
Blue-image Blue 40 2 - +

  • Lice Comb - design features a. Hard stainless-steel comb teeth set into a tightly sealed polypropylene hard plastic handle.
    Lice Comb has unique circular (not spiral) grooves spaced at scientifically configured intervals set to snag lice and nits more efficiently and pull them out of the hair easily.
    The hard-plastic handle uses a cutting-edge sealing technology to attach the comb teeth without any air gaps for bacteria to get into.
    Lice Ladies Products scientifically tested this new comb for months on lice removal treatment subjects before the perfect design was decided.

  • Regular Price: 40
  • Category: Chinese Ornaments

  • Lice Comb - design features a. Hard stainless-steel comb teeth set into a tightly sealed polypropylene hard plastic handle.
    Lice Comb has unique circular (not spiral) grooves spaced at scientifically configured intervals set to snag lice and nits more efficiently and pull them out of the hair easily.
    The hard-plastic handle uses a cutting-edge sealing technology to attach the comb teeth without any air gaps for bacteria to get into.
    Lice Ladies Products scientifically tested this new comb for months on lice removal treatment subjects before the perfect design was decided.

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  • Address: Khulna Road , Jessore Sadar, Khulna, Dhaka.

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